I am winding down the school year, trying to get in everything I want to and constantly getting interrupted! You would think I would get used to this since every year it is the same. What is the phrase? Crazy is when you keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Yeah, that's me.

At the end of the year I sometimes find myself having to remind students about the procedures we have been following since August. You would think I had changed them or something! So I have to step up the discipline monitoring and keep on top of those that would like the last day of school to have been yesterday. I started using
Class Dojo a few months back to help with classroom management. I was introduced to over a year ago but didn't put it into action. I now use it with my K-1-2-3-4 classes (should have included 5th too!)
Class Dojo, open the app, and as class is moving forward if I see good behavior I can immediately award a point or if needed add a negative. You can also set up parent and student access so they can monitor the behavior away from class. I only use this in class since I see my classes once a week. Attendance can also be taken on
Class Dojo and for me this is perfect. I had a colleague who used it with a 7th grade class that was having a lot of trouble staying focused and even at this "old" age, they loved it! Whatever will motivate them to want to do better is always a plus.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a creative and fun visual way to manage and track class behavior. You create your class lists, assign positive and negative behaviors (there are default ones but you can create your own too), and the cute part is the avatars for each students are these great little monsters! My kids always want to see the class page at the start and end of class, I think just to see their monster. There is an app for Apple and Android also so I can open the web page for
Even though you are probably at the end of the school year, if you need something new to help make it, check out
Class Dojo. Once you play with it this year perhaps you will find it fits your needs for the coming school year.
Hang in there fellow teachers!